где Total - общее количество пакетов, переданных передатчиком;
Ack - подтверждение, пришедшее от приемника.
Total-Ack - количество потерянных пакетов.
Затем данные будут выводится через RS232 на ноутбук. Но это позже. Для начала, хотелось бы завести сам тест.
Может кто-нибудь уже занимался этим? Хотелось бы увидеть примеры кода в IAR. Через некоторое время выложу свои попытки реализации.
Код для передатчика:
Скрытый текст
#include "RF_Toggle_LED_Demo.h" #define PACKET_LEN (0x05) // PACKET_LEN <= 61 #define RSSI_IDX (PACKET_LEN) // Index of appended RSSI #define CRC_LQI_IDX (PACKET_LEN+1) // Index of appended LQI, checksum #define CRC_OK (BIT7) // CRC_OK bit #define PATABLE_VAL (0x51) // 0 dBm output extern RF_SETTINGS rfSettings; unsigned char packetReceived; unsigned char packetTransmit; unsigned char RxBuffer[PACKET_LEN+2]; unsigned char RxBufferLength = 0; const unsigned char TxBuffer[PACKET_LEN]= {0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE}; unsigned char buttonPressed = 1; unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int Ack = 0; unsigned int Total = 0; unsigned char transmitting = 0; unsigned char receiving = 0; void main( void ) { // Stop watchdog timer to prevent time out reset WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Increase PMMCOREV level to 2 for proper radio operation SetVCore(2); ResetRadioCore(); InitRadio(); InitButtonLeds(); ReceiveOn(); receiving = 1; while (1) { __bis_SR_register( LPM3_bits + GIE ); __no_operation(); if (buttonPressed) // Process a button press->transmit { P3OUT |= BIT6; // Pulse LED during Transmit buttonPressed = 0; P1IFG = 0; ReceiveOff(); receiving = 0; Transmit( (unsigned char*)TxBuffer, sizeof TxBuffer); transmitting = 1; P1IE |= BIT7; // Re-enable button press } else if(!transmitting) { ReceiveOn(); receiving = 1; } // Strobe( RF_SIDLE ); //перевод в режим ожидания while (transmitting); ReceiveOn(); //перевод в режим приема, для получения ответа receiving = 1; } } void InitButtonLeds(void) { // Set up the button as interruptible P1DIR &= ~BIT7; P1REN |= BIT7; P1IES &= BIT7; P1IFG = 0; P1OUT |= BIT7; P1IE |= BIT7; // Initialize Port J PJOUT = 0x00; PJDIR = 0xFF; // Set up LEDs P1OUT &= ~BIT0; P1DIR |= BIT0; P3OUT &= ~BIT6; P3DIR |= BIT6; } void InitRadio(void) { // Set the High-Power Mode Request Enable bit so LPM3 can be entered // with active radio enabled PMMCTL0_H = 0xA5; PMMCTL0_L |= PMMHPMRE_L; PMMCTL0_H = 0x00; WriteRfSettings(&rfSettings); WriteSinglePATable(PATABLE_VAL); } #pragma vector=PORT1_VECTOR __interrupt void PORT1_ISR(void) { switch(__even_in_range(P1IV, 16)) { case 0: break; case 2: break; // P1.0 IFG case 4: break; // P1.1 IFG case 6: break; // P1.2 IFG case 8: break; // P1.3 IFG case 10: break; // P1.4 IFG case 12: break; // P1.5 IFG case 14: break; // P1.6 IFG case 16: // P1.7 IFG P1IE = 0; // Debounce by disabling buttons buttonPressed = 1; __bic_SR_register_on_exit(LPM3_bits); // Exit active break; } } void Transmit(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned char length) { RF1AIES |= BIT9; RF1AIFG &= ~BIT9; // Clear pending interrupts RF1AIE |= BIT9; // Enable TX end-of-packet interrupt WriteBurstReg(RF_TXFIFOWR, buffer, length); Strobe( RF_STX ); // Strobe STX } void ReceiveOn(void) { RF1AIES |= BIT9; // Falling edge of RFIFG9 RF1AIFG &= ~BIT9; // Clear a pending interrupt RF1AIE |= BIT9; // Enable the interrupt // Radio is in IDLE following a TX, so strobe SRX to enter Receive Mode Strobe( RF_SRX ); } void ReceiveOff(void) { RF1AIE &= ~BIT9; // Disable RX interrupts RF1AIFG &= ~BIT9; // Clear pending IFG // It is possible that ReceiveOff is called while radio is receiving a packet. // Therefore, it is necessary to flush the RX FIFO after issuing IDLE strobe // such that the RXFIFO is empty prior to receiving a packet. Strobe( RF_SIDLE ); Strobe( RF_SFRX ); } #pragma vector=CC1101_VECTOR __interrupt void CC1101_ISR(void) { switch(__even_in_range(RF1AIV,32)) // Prioritizing Radio Core Interrupt { case 0: break; // No RF core interrupt pending case 2: break; // RFIFG0 case 4: break; // RFIFG1 case 6: break; // RFIFG2 case 8: break; // RFIFG3 case 10: break; // RFIFG4 case 12: break; // RFIFG5 case 14: break; // RFIFG6 case 16: break; // RFIFG7 case 18: break; // RFIFG8 case 20: // RFIFG9 if(receiving) // RX end of packet { // Read the length byte from the FIFO RxBufferLength = ReadSingleReg( RXBYTES ); ReadBurstReg(RF_RXFIFORD, RxBuffer, RxBufferLength); // Stop here to see contents of RxBuffer __no_operation(); // Check the CRC results if(RxBuffer[CRC_LQI_IDX] & CRC_OK) { P1OUT ^= BIT0; // Toggle LED1 Ack++; //Количество подтверждений } } else if(transmitting) // TX end of packet { RF1AIE &= ~BIT9; // Disable TX end-of-packet interrupt P3OUT &= ~BIT6; // Turn off LED after Transmit transmitting = 0; Total++; //общее кол-во переданных пакетов } else while(1); // trap break; case 22: break; // RFIFG10 case 24: break; // RFIFG11 case 26: break; // RFIFG12 case 28: break; // RFIFG13 case 30: break; // RFIFG14 case 32: break; // RFIFG15 } __bic_SR_register_on_exit(LPM3_bits); }
Вот код для приемника:
Скрытый текст
#include "RF_Toggle_LED_Demo.h" #define PACKET_LEN (0x05) // PACKET_LEN <= 61 #define RSSI_IDX (PACKET_LEN) // Index of appended RSSI #define CRC_LQI_IDX (PACKET_LEN+1) // Index of appended LQI, checksum #define CRC_OK (BIT7) // CRC_OK bit #define PATABLE_VAL (0x51) // 0 dBm output extern RF_SETTINGS rfSettings; unsigned char packetReceived; unsigned char packetTransmit; unsigned char RxBuffer[PACKET_LEN+2]; unsigned char RxBufferLength = 0; const unsigned char TxBuffer[PACKET_LEN]= {0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE}; unsigned char buttonPressed = 1; unsigned int i = 0; unsigned char CRC = 0; unsigned char transmitting = 0; unsigned char receiving = 0; void main( void ) { // Stop watchdog timer to prevent time out reset WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Increase PMMCOREV level to 2 for proper radio operation SetVCore(2); ResetRadioCore(); InitRadio(); InitButtonLeds(); ReceiveOn(); receiving = 1; while (1) { __bis_SR_register( LPM3_bits + GIE ); __no_operation(); // if (CRC) // Если пакет принят и CRC совпадает запускаем передачу ответа while (CRC) { P3OUT |= BIT6; // Pulse LED during Transmit ReceiveOff(); receiving = 0; Transmit( (unsigned char*)TxBuffer, sizeof TxBuffer); transmitting = 1; } // else if(!transmitting) // { ReceiveOn(); receiving = 1; //} } } void InitButtonLeds(void) { // Set up the button as interruptible P1DIR &= ~BIT7; P1REN |= BIT7; P1IES &= BIT7; P1IFG = 0; P1OUT |= BIT7; P1IE |= BIT7; // Initialize Port J PJOUT = 0x00; PJDIR = 0xFF; // Set up LEDs P1OUT &= ~BIT0; P1DIR |= BIT0; P3OUT &= ~BIT6; P3DIR |= BIT6; } void InitRadio(void) { // Set the High-Power Mode Request Enable bit so LPM3 can be entered // with active radio enabled PMMCTL0_H = 0xA5; PMMCTL0_L |= PMMHPMRE_L; PMMCTL0_H = 0x00; WriteRfSettings(&rfSettings); WriteSinglePATable(PATABLE_VAL); } #pragma vector=PORT1_VECTOR __interrupt void PORT1_ISR(void) { switch(__even_in_range(P1IV, 16)) { case 0: break; case 2: break; // P1.0 IFG case 4: break; // P1.1 IFG case 6: break; // P1.2 IFG case 8: break; // P1.3 IFG case 10: break; // P1.4 IFG case 12: break; // P1.5 IFG case 14: break; // P1.6 IFG case 16: // P1.7 IFG P1IE = 0; // Debounce by disabling buttons buttonPressed = 1; __bic_SR_register_on_exit(LPM3_bits); // Exit active break; } } void Transmit(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned char length) { RF1AIES |= BIT9; RF1AIFG &= ~BIT9; // Clear pending interrupts RF1AIE |= BIT9; // Enable TX end-of-packet interrupt WriteBurstReg(RF_TXFIFOWR, buffer, length); Strobe( RF_STX ); // Strobe STX } void ReceiveOn(void) { RF1AIES |= BIT9; // Falling edge of RFIFG9 RF1AIFG &= ~BIT9; // Clear a pending interrupt RF1AIE |= BIT9; // Enable the interrupt // Radio is in IDLE following a TX, so strobe SRX to enter Receive Mode Strobe( RF_SRX ); } void ReceiveOff(void) { RF1AIE &= ~BIT9; // Disable RX interrupts RF1AIFG &= ~BIT9; // Clear pending IFG // It is possible that ReceiveOff is called while radio is receiving a packet. // Therefore, it is necessary to flush the RX FIFO after issuing IDLE strobe // such that the RXFIFO is empty prior to receiving a packet. Strobe( RF_SIDLE ); Strobe( RF_SFRX ); } #pragma vector=CC1101_VECTOR __interrupt void CC1101_ISR(void) { switch(__even_in_range(RF1AIV,32)) // Prioritizing Radio Core Interrupt { case 0: break; // No RF core interrupt pending case 2: break; // RFIFG0 case 4: break; // RFIFG1 case 6: break; // RFIFG2 case 8: break; // RFIFG3 case 10: break; // RFIFG4 case 12: break; // RFIFG5 case 14: break; // RFIFG6 case 16: break; // RFIFG7 case 18: break; // RFIFG8 case 20: // RFIFG9 if(receiving) // RX end of packet { // Read the length byte from the FIFO RxBufferLength = ReadSingleReg( RXBYTES ); ReadBurstReg(RF_RXFIFORD, RxBuffer, RxBufferLength); // Stop here to see contents of RxBuffer __no_operation(); // Check the CRC results if(RxBuffer[CRC_LQI_IDX] & CRC_OK) {P1OUT ^= BIT0; CRC = 1;} // Toggle LED1 } else if(transmitting) // TX end of packet { RF1AIE &= ~BIT9; // Disable TX end-of-packet interrupt P3OUT &= ~BIT6; // Turn off LED after Transmit transmitting = 0; } else while(1); // trap break; case 22: break; // RFIFG10 case 24: break; // RFIFG11 case 26: break; // RFIFG12 case 28: break; // RFIFG13 case 30: break; // RFIFG14 case 32: break; // RFIFG15 } __bic_SR_register_on_exit(LPM3_bits); }
По идее, при нажатии кнопки на передатчике, на нем зажигается LED2, когда пакет передан, LED2 потухает. На приемнике переключается LED1 при приеме пакета. Затем применик передает ответный пакет и при этом на нем загорается LED2. А на передатчике при приеме ответа загорается LED1. При дебаге все работает как часы. Когда нормально их запускаю, то при нажатии кнопки на передатчике, на приемнике загораются оба светодиода и ничего не происходит. В чем может быть проблема?